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the impression is not the cranberry sauce.

Style= "font-size:14px studded christian louboutin;" > I love goose personnel, engaged in the belly of the roasted goose can be said to be too many to count I eat, read the goose is numerous, Chibian Yangjiang everyone alley roasted goose shop, do summary today:

1, buy a roasted goose is relatively good place,

  &nbsp ralph lauren shirts;     1 South Gate Bridge, Fei Mei Zi roasted goose files

        2, the third intersection Zhu flooding roasted goose files

        3, Yi Ji Shang Yuan spring roasted goose files

        4, strong wine shop roasted goose

&nbsp kim kardashian christian louboutin shoes;     5,   Xiping road traffic lights clean sweet roasted goose

2, taste

          1, the South Gate Bridge Fei Mei Zi roasted goose file roasted goose sweet, good quality, old, cranberry sauce taste salty.

        2, the third intersection Zhu flooding roasted goose file tastes generally, don't play, meat is dry, no characteristics.

    &nbsp Ferrari Sunglasses sale;   3, Yi Ji Shang Yuan spring roasted goose file taste heavy, relatively strong taste, good quality, good appearance, bright color, also sold soon, when just out of the oven is very delicious, cranberry sauce taste bad.

        4, Jian Hotel roasted goose or very delicious, delicious degree will make you want to add a very bad; or, end up on the do not want to eat what. See your RP, the impression is not the cranberry sauce.

        5, Xiping road traffic lights clean sweet roasted goose taste bland, meat is fresh, looks good ralph lauren sale, color is very attractive, preference for the taste a little short words is a good choice, cranberry sauce Converse Commer Des Garcons, taste in general, not characteristics.

        end, you also know where to sell chowhound if roasted goose delicious. Please leave a message, please also express their views.


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