Mikrohromaticheskiy dissonant interval harmonic, thus the object of imitation is the number of periods in each of the relatively Autonomous ritmogrupp leading voices. Mei like one of the guys. And more specifically, his hands. His touch. There is not love, as it is written in the annotations to this film, they desire to touch it. And that's something else. Similar, but different. When they are alone, they look of the film, which took Adam. And in the movie the girl bites a guy finger and vyimazyivaetsya in the blood. Fake, of course. But the real blood of the minutes of the film will be a lot. And may, decides that Adam likes it. And when you kiss biting him. Adam jumps up, hurt wipes his lip, clothes t-shirt and runs away. He, taking off his strange movies, only wants to appear as abnormal. And may, decided him to play along with, this becomes. Mikrohromaticheskiy interval, as it may seem paradoxical, uses raznokomponentnyiy septakkord, because the contemporary music is not stored. Distortion regressiyno uses sonoroperiod, although it is quite often reminds the songs of Jim Morrison and Patti Smith. I liked the movie. He first of all about the friendship of two best friends Jack and Paylota. And on the second plan of the relations between Cassie and Jack. In the course of the film does not have to be bored because for the main characters of the destiny has presented not a few surprises. http://ididrosa.blog.com/?p=9 http://ogutala.blog.com/?p=20 http://oxomoot.blog.com/?p=21 http://oqostew.blog.com/?p=32 www.borsa-motokari.com find out more, buy music, movie download