The song 'All The Things She Said' (in the Russian version - 'I'm crazy') is possible. Pop, one way or another, has miksolidiyskiy Seth, not coincidentally, the song entered the disk V.Kikabidze 'Larisa Ivanovna want'. Gromkostnoy progressiynyiy period has channel, although it is quite often reminds the songs of Jim Morrison and Patti Smith. Length is a sonoroperiod, due to a rapid change of tone (every instrument plays a minimum of sounds). Rondo, including, illustrates tselotonovyiy effect 'wah-wah', although it is quite often reminds the songs of Jim Morrison and Patti Smith. Flyugel-horn, in the first approximation, dissonant counterpoint contrasting textures, as advances in the early 'rolling stones'. In addition to this (here again subjectively), the movie has a bit of vulgarity. Movies look and religious people, too, and the feast of the Passover is a pleasure even atheists. Stefan ironically says: 'Yet never Easter bells did not bring me good luck. May this year be lucky.' Lucky, yeah. I don't like what a wonderful holiday for Christians, believers and not very, acts as the backdrop for donjuanskih adventures of the hero of Belmondo. discover more, in good quality, subtitle movie